Boris and Paul's Aeronautics
and Space Administration

Paul's TARC team ranks 17th in the 2015 finals out of 700 teams in the USA!


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NERRF 5    8/14/09-8/16/09    Pine Island, NY
North East Regional Rocketry Festival

     NERRF 5 Pictures     Click on any picture to enlarge
Most enlarged pictures are original camera resolution but may be cropped.

NERRF 5 group picture taken by Laura Gardner

Aerial photo of NERRF 5 flight line by Fred Taverni

NERRF 5 - Friday 8/14/2009

Click on any picture to enlarge
Most enlarged pictures are original camera resolution but may be cropped.
Pictures below taken by Boris Katan unless otherwise noted and are in chronological order.


NERRF 5 - Saturday 8/15/2009     Click on any picture to enlarge

John Tyler's Big John's Son going up on an Aerotech K1275 Redline

FlisKits Frick-n-Frack mass drag race - very cool!

photo Bill Ralston                                       

Boris Katan and son Paul       
Sirius Rocketry Saturn V going up on 5 motor cluster:
1x CTI/AMW J520 Skidmark + 4x G71 Redlines

Jim Salem's successful L2 flight       

photo Laurie Despres                                                    photo Laurie Despres

photo Laurie Despres                                                                                   

Boris Katan's TOGinator attempting 30 engine cluster, firing 22 engines at the pad, one fired late, one cato'ed and 6 never lit. 95 degree temperature caused masking tape not to adhere well, allowing some ematches to slip out of place. Safe slight to 1248 ft followed by clean dual deploy recovery.

Greg Gardner's giant stealth going up on an
AMW K333 Skidmark

NERRF 5 - Sunday 8/16/2009     Click on any picture to enlarge

3x Sparky cluster                                                                                             

                                        Jim Salem's 3 stage
FlisKits Corona liftoff and staging

photo Laurie Despres                                                                             

cone fin rocket                                     Voodoo Daddy on 8x E9      Jason Nadeau drag racing himself  
       and Viper Nike on 4x D12

2 fin rocket on away pad

NERRF 4    6/20/08-6/22/08     Pine Island, NY
Click on any thumbnail to see a picture more closely

A great group shot at NERRF 4 by PrintYourHobby.com

We had a blast at NERRF - Met a lot of nice people and saw many amazing rockets.

photo by Howard Greenblatt                     photo by PrintYourHobby.com                         .

The first picture says it all, my son and I are having too much fun. The NERRF 4 flight line in the background and my modified Sirius Rocketry Saturn V about to go up for a successful L2 cert. flight.  Second picture shows the L2 liftoff on a CTI K445 to 2692 ft. The nearly 4 second thrust on the K was sweet. Third picture is another K445 with 4x G64's added. Soared to 3372 ft for another clean dual deployment.

The X-16 mach buster (goes up and shreds again). Korn's campground, very nice place and people.
Can't beat the sound of a brook right next to the campsite.

Jim Flis of FlisKits Rockets

NERRF 3    6/22/07-6/24/07     Pine Island, NY

For the first time, Paul set up three flights himself, the new FlisKits rocket Jim was kind enough to give to the kids, a FlisKits TOG and an SR-71.

My L1 LOC V2                    Ultimate FireBall going up on 3x G79W     X-16 mach buster before                     and in flight

Despite heavy winds on Friday, flew my 4 inch LOC V2 on a Cesaroni H143-10 Smokey Sam to get my level 1 cert. The flight to about 2000 ft. was the easy part. Recovery took an hour of walking through all kinds of terrain, including some stinging nettles. After searching three fields past the tree line, a farm hand whistled from two fields farther down wind and held up my rocket.

Saturday, sent up the X-16, a LOC Weasel powered by a Cesaroni 5 grain I540-16 White Thunder. 32oz minimum diameter rocket on a full I, going for mach 1.8 in one second. Caught it on video, and by counting frames was able to determine that the shred of the front half of the rocket was at 0.7 sec, which RockSim predicts was at 550 ft and 1050 MPH.

pad fire                             Soviet Mystery Metal      My next trailer  :)                      Al Gloer             Greg Gardener

Tony Vincent's rockets